Write Up: The Blue Burmese Maui Kona is a captivating crossbreed, harmonizing classic pre-1970 strains worldwide, notably incorporating the original Kona Gold and Maui Waui. This blend yields stable variations, encompassing taller, sativa-dominant strains such as Blue Dragon and Kona Gold, characterized by a spectrum of earthy to citrus-floral notes. The medium and shorter varieties lean towards the Burmese and Maui strains, offering flavors ranging from citrusy earth to deep sweet carrot undertones, coupled with euphoric highs. This strain presents a symphony of diverse and refined characteristics, representing a fusion of iconic cannabis lineages.
Dominant Pheno: This 4-way cross derives from Inbred Line (IBL) stable strains, resulting in varied yet robust varieties that maintain strong and stable traits inherent in the F1 vigor crosses. The amalgamation of dominant lineage traits from the parents gives rise to four main phenotypes, each showcasing a unique blend of characteristics and a harmonious interplay between the distinct genetic lines. This crossbreed promises a diverse and vibrant array of cannabis varieties, reflecting the strength and resilience carried over from the initial F1 vigor crosses.